This past weekend was delightful. We hope you enjoyed the bounty of beautiful workshops and series in the studio. We were also graced with some unseasonably awesome weather that made going outdoors in late January a pleasure.
During this time I took the opportunity to lace up my sneakers and go for a run. With the sun warming my face and my body not bracing from the ice and cold, I decided to take a route that had a notoriously large hill right at the fourth mile. Upon ascending, my body slowed and my breathing quickened. Thoughts of, ‘Stop…Next pole…Keep going…You can…’, melded into, ‘Breathe…Stay with yourself…Ease on the effort’. As I crested the hill, I noticed how quickly it passed by and upon the decent, I began to hear the same voices goading and guiding me. The realization here was how alike a run, a challenge, a goal, a difficult patch, a yoga class, and a yoga practice, (heck any practice), is! The high points, while aplaudable, are fleeting while the meat of efforts are in what comes before and after the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows.
As we roll into the mid-way point of winter, know that we are here to greet you to show up for the steady work each day. We know it’s sometimes a challenge to make that initial step onto your mat when the world snarls and your mind whirls, but be steadfast in creating the time for the things that keep your fire lit. Your light will guide you through the thunder and the sunshine with equal temper for your heroic heart to prevail in the wins and to unveil the great lessons in both the rises and the falls.
Keep going. You Can. Breathe. Stay with yourself.
Your TYC Tribe