It has been about a month since Covid-19 flipped our worlds upside down and the onslaught of updates and iterations of protocol, began. The world looks very different now. It has been a time of great loss and grief, but amidst that, we’ve gotten to witness the true heroes and heroines. They are all those who provide us with safety and connection in our world -from the first responders and hospital staff to the workers at the grocery stores and food banks. They are the postal, parcel and food delivery workers and the folks that keep our water clean and our homes lit and warm. What has become profoundly clear is that every job is important and has an effect in our community.
We are also fortunate to see an incredible growth mindset in ways to reach out whether it be through online classes, reconnecting with someone on the telephone, leaving art and hearts in your windows, connecting with an elderly neighbor, or leaving sidewalk- chalked messages of hope. These are important jobs too.
In Japanese culture, there is a mending technique that uses a precious metal – liquid gold, liquid silver or lacquer dusted with powdered gold – to bring together the pieces of a broken pottery item and at the same time enhance the breaks. It treats the break or scar as part of the history of that object, rather than something to disguise or shroud.
As we sit in the discomfort of what these next few weeks look like, let’s pause to access the gold of our inner warriors – the warriors who see the trouble, face the fear, and then enact the courage to do the next clearest action. Let’s be warriors who choose kindness over harshness, respect over ego and love….always love to light our path.
We sit and move beside you with love-
The TYC Tribe