This past weekend I had the pleasure of spending very much needed down-time with three of my sisters for a ‘sisters weekend’ here on The Cape. During the days we walked along the streets surrounding Monument Beach and spent time walking around to see the sights. On one of our outings we decided to roam around in the quiet and lush beauty of Heritage Gardens. It was moving to see what displays percolated each of their artistic eyes and which areas made them pause with awe, -awake and nourished by the vibrance of nature, silence, light and time. As we walked the many paths, we made note of the vibrant blooms juxtapose to withering branches, noting that we were walking down paved paths that were constantly in transition. It reminded me that it is often easy to lose sight of the magical places that are so near to our bodies, minds and spirits when life’s cadence and patterns mold us to move in specific ways.
In light of that, we’d like to take the next few weeks to re-introduce you to our classes from the perspective of our teachers. Each of our teachers has heard a unique call to practice and share the forms that they teach. Each of our
teachers have the honor and responsibility to step back as they walk the path with you, to take a look at what you might not be able to see in your body in order to cue you to safety and towards new directions both physically and mentally during a class. We hope that these vignettes will help you to feel each of our instructors and encourage each of you to step forward towards time on your mat.
Today, Melissa would like to re-introduce you to…
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with Melissa
Mondays at 8am- Alternating
Wednesdays at 8am
I love teaching this class and sharing the wisdom and methodology of Kundalini Yoga. I have personally had a very transformative and positive experience with each of the styles of Kundalini Yoga that I have practiced. Each class offers many threads of insight for each practitioner and the practice is rich in depth and and incredibly vibrant . Because of this, I continue to study the many
different lineages of this ancient practice knowing that the road is long with many adventures to unravel.
Kundalini yoga involves mantra, pranayama, kriya’s, asana and meditation.
Mantra is sacred sound and vibration also known as the Naad. Using devotional songs or words to bring the chanter/ singer closer to their highest potential. This works by calming the nervous system and elevating consciousness. Chanting also requires deep listening which helps the practitioner tune into the sounds and silence.
Pranayama simply put, is the practice of breath control or breath direction. When we practice Pranayama (also called Pranayam, depending on where in India you are), we begin to develop a deeper awareness or consciousness of our breath. Breath is directly linked to our mind and nervous system. A quote that comes to mind is “as the breath, so the mind”. We are able to control the mind through the practice of breath control techniques. There are many different forms and variations of breathing techniques, each for a different desired
response. Some to elevate, some to calm etc…
Kriya’s are sometimes thought of as “actions towards evolution”. Kriya’s are set instructions of asana (postures), pranayama, mantra and meditations designed for a specific outcome. Many of these have been passed down for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Think of them as specific recipes for a desired outcome.
Meditation aids us to connect out minds and bodies to the infinite. It develops a concentration that can lead to control over the fluctuations of the mind. It is for everyone and can be done by all. Meditation may be silent, involve internal chanting, ask for chanting out-loud, or include mudra’s (hand or arm placements and are not limited to some movement). Pranayama and/or a
point of focus for the eyes (drishti) is given.
I teach this class every Wednesday at 8am. I also offer a FREE class on Monday’s at 8am that is lead by myself and Andrew, alternating each week. You will find that each class is different as we have so many Kriya’s and meditations to choose from. I would love to share this practice with you.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
xoxo- Melissa