We hope that you were able to enjoy outside this past weekend. We certainly did as the mellowness and light provided a much needed escape from cleaning our new home. The beautiful weather on Saturday brought us out of doors into a world full of birdsongs and watching cardinals, chickadees, tufted titmice, woodpeckers, robins, crows and hawks playing and stretching their wings in the warmth and sunshine. Amidst the chatter above, there was much work to do below as winterized perennials and gardens put to bed lay in wait. The week prior brought the misfortune of a fall and concussion with a hard stop, but the silver lining of it was the opportunity to move slower, setting myself to simply enjoying the one task, the one plant, and the one patch in front of me at any one time…-or so I thought. As my hands slowly clipped and brushed away dead leaves and old stems, tears welled up as the vibrant purply-reds and springy greens emerged from the beige nests that had sheltered their initial growth from the elements. Frustration bubbled as I felt myself going to the space of identifying with the brittle and brown crusty mantle and not what lay beneath. Admittedly, even in understanding the importance of the healing process, the antsy-ness was rising and I felt like a caged tiger. It was a tough chunk of time as life all around me swirled fragrantly and excitedly while the peels of wonder echoed upward from the pond where my son had just captured and released his first minnow.
Sure enough, the present scene was what brought me back. Just like that minnow and seeing all of the emergent undergrowth that had sprouted from underneath what had grown and died above it, the energy was captured and released. I sat there watching the water sparkle around the outline of my son down by the dock. On cue, frustration turned to elation as I began to notice the cadence of my own breathing blending into the rhythms and melodies around me. Those long moments were just that and they were over. The question came forth, ‘Is it true? Is it true that you are what your emotions think you are?’ Just like the faded growth in nature, strong forces both internal and external prompted a deeper look and the need to address what was calling to be cleared, cleaned and mended. After the anxious tears fell I acknowledged the helplessness and tension that had been building all week. From deep within erupted my first good belly laugh in what felt like ages. Light. Clearing. My son ran up with a cage bearing four minnows flopping around and we walked back to the water’s edge to let them go.
Spring is a funny, special and mercurial time. Change is happening all around us and it is sometimes easy to lose sight of the fact the we too are ever shifting. This week’s classes and Sara’s Spring Cleaning and Detox Workshop bring much needed landing pads to investigate what has been captured and what needs to be released to provide the space in your body, mind and spirit to flow and grow optimally. We invite you to rekindle and reconnect with the flame within and plant seeds of hope for brighter days and more light-hearted pathways ahead.
With Love-
Sharon & Your TYC Family
Photo credit: Mental Floss